


The Bachelor of Fine Arts in 电影 and the Bachelor of Science in 电影 offer students a comprehensive experience in the creation of independent motion pictures through 一个严格的,动手生产为中心的课程.

The JU 电影 program strives to create master visual storytellers who can connect with 他们的观众在智力上和情感上.






JU's 电影 program empowers the creative innovators of tomorrow by training them in 运动影像的工艺美术的各个方面,从审美到审美 技术. 全球网络赌博平台肯定讲故事的重要性,因为它是人类 生命赋予生命中最重要的阶段以重量和意义.



JU 电影 Sizzle Reel


视频中没有台词. 一段器乐贯穿始终.



Alex’s films and screenplays have made him an internationally award-winning filmmaker. 值得注意的是,他的电影剧本, 家,免费 在墨西哥瓦哈卡举行的瓦哈卡电影节上获得了最佳突破剧本奖.

He has directed and shot numerous projects for a plethora of clients including filming 英国组合the Go的《全球赌博十大网站》mv的部分内容! 团队. Alex runs the Fiat Lux 电影 Festival at 杰克逊维尔大学 and has served as a judge for the Hispanic Cultural 电影 Festival, Jacksonville Dance 电影 Festival 及独立精神奖.

Alex specializes in 写作 and directing micro-budget films and was one of the 2021 杰克逊维尔电影和电视业的新星. 他的处女作, 艾伯特和克劳德, which he wrote, directed, co-produced, and edited, has been screened internationally. Among the accolades have been official selections at the Marina del Rey 电影 Festival in Los Angeles, CA and the Vero Beach 电影 Festival and finalist awards at the WorldFest -休斯顿国际电影节和德克萨斯州奥斯汀的Screen ATX.


Sonali Udaybabu

Sonali Udaybabu是一位印度电影制作人. 她获得了文学硕士学位 AJK大众传播研究中心,贾米亚伊斯兰教在新德里. 她有 worked in various areas of media and activism including in advertising, publishing, 媒体管理,酷儿女权运动,性健康和权利. 她一直在 罗伯特·弗莱厄蒂电影研讨会研究员和多西Saryu Doshi研究生研究员. 作为一个电影制作人, she has contributed to projects as writer, producer, editor, director, and as cinematographer. Her cinematic interests are in the documentary film form and its artistic possibilities 在理解自我方面.

Dana Schmalenberg

Dana Schmalenberg is a screenwriter with an MFA from Florida State University and 俄亥俄州立大学文学学士学位. 她把电视节目卖给了NBC、FOX和CW, 以及迪士尼、华纳兄弟和新摄政的故事片. 她最近 co-wrote the original movie “Resort to Love” for Netflix and adapted “Sex and the 《全球网络赌博平台》的作者坎迪斯·布什内尔的小说《全球赌博十大网站》换成了Lifetime电视台.


杰里·史密斯是PineRidge电影公司的创始人兼首席执行官 & 电视公司. 史密斯是一个 国际知名的生活方式电视作家、制片人和导演 节目、电视广告、企业形象宣传和在线内容. PineRidge的 节目开发部门,已经获得了六项国家日间艾美奖和 在过去的九年里获得了11项艾美奖提名. Mr. 史密斯在2012年被授予 电影 Florida Legend by the 电影 Florida state film commissioners and, recently, by the City of Jacksonville as the 2016 recipient of the 电影 and Television Industry 成就奖.


比尔山 holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Electronic Intermedia from the University 主要专注于基于时间的媒体和互动. 作为独立人士 filmmaker his experimental and narrative works have been exhibited and screened nationally 与国际. 他的作品也发表在许多期刊和 newspapers including Computer Arts, Exposure and Leonardo, in addition to the book 题为“艺术,技术,意识:心灵@大”."



校友Natassja Eebert带着相机在现场Natassja艾伯特

Natassja艾伯特 currently works as a freelance cinematographer and photographer based 离开纽约. 她最初拍摄体育节目,从ESPN3的校园节目开始 在NBA夏季联赛和2019年NFL选秀中就业. 毕业后,她 has worked with production houses like The Color Production House and Gesundheit Media, working on projects for Associated Press, USA Today, Visa, Morgan Stanley, and Microsoft, 在许多其他方面.

Now she is focusing on humanitarian story-telling, filming for non-government organizations 他们帮助世界各地的危机地区. 她为世界中央厨房做了记录 fed The Bahamas post- Hurricane Dorian and the COVID19 response in New York City during 2020年3月至9月的封锁. 在世界中央厨房工作期间, her footage was used on The TODAY Show and “America Food Fund” a campaign by Obama and Leonardo DiCaprio to fundraise for food organizations across The United States.

Currently she is in production on a film about Chef José Andrés, a feature film directed 由罗恩·霍华德和国家地理杂志合作完成. 继续播报新闻 food scarcity, documenting pivoting moments of this pandemic, and assisting producers 当他们拼凑出危机援助的叙述时.





André Labous is a DP/Director for 25+ years whose focus is on cinematic lighting and camera technique for production companies and advertising agencies around the country, 以及NASCAR Productions、NFL 电影s、NBC Golf和WTA等客户. 他专业 in broadcast commercial and documentary work using the Arri Amira package which he 拥有并经营. 他的工作简历上有M&M's, Aspen Dental, Lowe's, Menard's, Florida Lottery, 5 Hour Energy, Wounded Warrior Project, Firehouse Subs, 杰克逊维尔美洲虎.


丽塔科伯恩 is a Peabody and Emmy Award-Winning Director, Writer, and Producer with 在广播、电视和电影领域工作了近四十年. 开始了她的制片人生涯 他是美国多家新闻媒体的撰稿人.S.科伯恩继续为 比如《全球赌博十大网站》、《全球赌博十大网站》、《全球网络赌博平台》! 和华特迪士尼制作公司. In 2022, Coburn produced and directed "Marian Anderson: The Whole World in Her Hands" premiered on PBS, and in 2016, “Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise,” which was co-directed and co-produced by Coburn, premiered at the 2016 Sundance Festival, and went on to 2017年获得皮博迪奖. 这部纪录片以科伯恩的采访为特色 Whack with world-renowned talent and public figures – President Bill Clinton, Hillary 克林顿、玛雅·安杰洛、奥普拉·温弗瑞、西塞莉·泰森、昆西·琼斯等等.


As co-founder of the Steel Spyda Production Group - and a professional writer and producer - Kay has spent decades traveling the world and bringing these experiences 以一种有趣和娱乐的方式出现在屏幕上. 她的荣誉包括许多世界 top broadcasters including National Geographic, Discovery, Animal Planet and the BBC. When she’s not in the field, Kay actively supports new filmmakers - both in her teaching 通过她在国家地理全路电影项目中的工作.

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